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Sep 19 2003 3:46 PM
Ok, now that I've been to the end of the web and back looking for this, I have to break down and ask the newbie C# question: Where is the I'm trying to build a C# console app in MS Visual Studio .Net 2003 that requires DNS operations. Every webpage I have found says to include these "using" statements: using System; using System.Net; which I have. They also mentioned that may need to be "referenced" in the Solution Explorer, but when I go to add a reference, I see every dll BUT I have installed the .NET SDK 1.1 and .NET SDK Service Pack 2 as well as the full install of Visual Studio .Net 2003 and yet a scan of my entire HDD yields no anything. Fearing I was seeing old system calls on these pages, I checked MSDN just to make sure there in fact was a System.Net namespace and there is and the MSDN page ( says it is included with Framework 1.1 (which I've installed twice just to make sure). I'm stuck, any ideas? Thanks in advance!! a.

Answers (2)