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Synchronize Outlook pst-Files with C#

May 9 2005 12:08 PM
How can I connect to a .pst-File? I've only found the way to connect over the MAPI Namespace on the active .pst-File. Which ist the way to synch two .pst-Files. Thank you very much for your answers. Joker namespace Outlookproject { public class OutlookConnect { private Outlook.Application _myApp; private Outlook._NameSpace _myNameSpace; private Outlook.MAPIFolder _myContactFolder; public OutlookConnect() { _myApp = new Outlook.Application(); _myNameSpace= _myApp.GetNamespace("MAPI"); _myNameSpace.Logon(null,null,true,true); _myContactFolder = _myNameSpace.GetDefaultFold (Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderContacts); } public String GetContactName() { return ((Outlook._ContactItem)_myContactFolder.Items.Item(5)).FullName; } } public class MainClass { [STAThread] static void Main() { OutlookConnect connect = new OutlookConnect(); Console.WriteLine(connect.GetContactName()); } } }