when a end user signs up on the site they pick there account type from a dropdown box. and the site works fine. but now we would like to have differenty pages for the different tpes of accounts. so now i have a directory of /businesses, /consumer, and /radio witch all have there own default.aspx in the directory...
so now for on the authintication of the useri have this code in the .asp.cs file... protected void Login1_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e) { switch (Profile.AccountType) { case "Personal": Response.Redirect("consumer/default.aspx"); break;
case "Business": Response.Redirect("business/default.aspx"); break;
case "Radio": Response.Redirect("radio/default.aspx"); break;
} }
Now when i run the app, i get this error:
Message 1 Could not find schema information for the element 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0:configuration'. C:\Documents and Settings\dguilloryjr\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Websites\MySimBook AJAXEnabled\web.config 2 2 C:\...\MySimBook AJAXEnabled\
any ideas?