shahnid k

shahnid k

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summing and giving where condition for the values less than

Jul 9 2017 5:26 AM
 Please help me to resolve the query. i need to get the cells which are having negative figures. Here am selecting the negative figures for the month of january so if i give one more condition for february that "AND (dbo.GLAFS.OPENBAL) + (dbo.GLAFS.NETPERD1) +(dbo.GLAFS.NETPERD1) < 0 " it will delete my first raw of january. That is account id 3506. i have to do this till the month december. How can i do this till december without lossing any rows. 
  2.  group by FSCSYR,AUDTORG ,ACCTID   
 3506 2016 SARRID -1800000.000 0.000
 3509 2016 SARRID -3568466.235-45489664 
 3510 2016 SARRID -465846 -784961
 3520 2016 SARRID -545796.265 -5478978.312

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