Dharam Rai

Dharam Rai

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Student attendance

Jan 8 2016 3:36 AM
Dear all genius please help me with this, I am developing a school management project where I have to maintain student attendance register. I have a student record in tbl_Student with PK as StudentID, and attendance record in tbl_Attendance with FK as StudentID. The problem is instead of entering student attendance status manually (Present/Absent/Sick), I want it to do automatically, for if I Select date and present status as Present then it should enter Present in all the records and for absent or other could be set manually one by one.
My table description:
tbl_Student : StudentID(PK), student name, Student class.
tbl_Attendacne: Attendacne_ID, StudentID(FK to tblStudent), Date, Status(Present/Absent/Sick)
I have been googling but could not get any, please help you there genius. Thanks in advance. 

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