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Struggle to build WCF service based on WSDL from partner

Feb 14 2014 12:16 PM
I have received a WSDL and XSD from our trading partner. The WSDL represents a service that I must create and then expose so that the trading partner can call in with SalesOrderAcknowledgments.  
I have processed the WSDL using  svcutil.exe  Runtime Version:4.0.30319.1008.  SvcUtil generates a C# class with the contract interface and classes to support the client. I have built a service that consumes the contract and exposes it with http binding.  
I created a test client to try and consume the service.  I turn on my service and use Add Service Reference to setup the client side of the transaction.

The Problem 

When I use the service code generated by svcutil, the service reference code does not contain the necessary implementation for the client.
I found what seems like a fix!
I can modify the code generated by svcutil.  Instead of [OperationContractAttribute] I change it to use [OperationContract].  Now, I turn on the host and add a service reference and the generated client code is there...but the Operation Action is different from the original WSDL.

Code Examples


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<wsdl:definitions targetNamespace = "" xmlns = "" xmlns:csp = "" xmlns:soap = "" xmlns:wsdl = "" xmlns:xsd = "">
 <wsdl:import location = "../../../../BCSchemas/SOAP/SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt/1.0/SalesOrderAcknowldgementReceipt/SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt.xsd" namespace = ""/>
<!-- Flow SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt -->
<wsdl:message name = "SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptRequests">
<wsdl:part element = "csp:SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt" name = "SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt"/>
<wsdl:message name = "SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptResponse">
<wsdl:part element = "csp:TechnicalPartnerAcknowledgmentReceipt" name = "TechnicalPartnerAcknowledgmentReceipt"/>
<wsdl:portType name = "SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptPortType">
<wsdl:operation name = "SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt">
<wsdl:input message = "SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptRequests"/>
<wsdl:output message = "SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptResponse"/>
<wsdl:binding name = "BindingSalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt" type = "SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptPortType">
<soap:binding style = "document" transport = ""/>
<wsdl:operation name = "SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt">
<soap:operation soapAction = ""/>
<soap:body use = "literal"/>
<soap:body use = "literal"/>
<wsdl:service name = "SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt">
<wsdl:port binding = "BindingSalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt" name = "SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt">
<soap:address location = ""/>

 Portion of the SvcUtil Output

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
[System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute(Namespace = "", ConfigurationName = "SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptPortType")]
public interface SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptPortType
  // CODEGEN: Generating message contract since the operation SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt is neither RPC nor document wrapped.
[System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action = "" +
"cknowledgmentReceipt", ReplyAction = "*")]
SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptResponse SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt(SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptRequest request);

Here's the broken Service Reference Code generated based on [OperationContractAttribute]

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
[System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute(Namespace="", ConfigurationName="SOAckService2Ref.SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptPortType")]
public interface SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptPortType {

 The Change to the Contract Interface that seems to make it work

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
[System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute(Namespace = "", ConfigurationName = "SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptPortType")]
public interface SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptPortType
// CODEGEN: Generating message contract since the operation SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt is neither RPC nor document wrapped.
SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptResponse SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt(SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptRequest request);

 Here's the Service Reference Code generated based on [OperationContract]

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
[System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute(Namespace="", ConfigurationName="SOAckService1Ref.SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptPortType")]
public interface SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptPortType {eur
// CODEGEN: Generating message contract since the operation SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt is neither RPC nor document wrapped.
[System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(Action="" +
"owledgmentReceiptPortType/SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt", ReplyAction="" +
SOAConsole.SOAckService1Ref.SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptResponse SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceipt(SOAConsole.SOAckService1Ref.SalesOrderAcknowledgmentReceiptRequest request);
See the incorrect action?