baskaran chellasamy

baskaran chellasamy

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struggle at making time table for school

Sep 28 2012 1:45 PM
Hello friends.
For making time table I have completed the following task(windows application).
1) class and section
I have registered class and section details
structure for class in db
fields: 1.classid,2.classname,3.branchname(schoolbranch)4.Acadamicyearfrom 5.Acadamictoyear
structure for section in db.
1.sectionid 2,sectionname,3.classid,4.acadamicyearfrom 5.Acadamicyearto
2)subject Registration
I have completed subject registration also
1.subjectcode 2.subjectname 3.standeredid,4.Fromyear 5.toyear

3) teacher registration
1)staffid,2.staffname 3.specilization(maths) and extra

4)Teacher assign to class and section
1.classname,sectionname,subjectname,teachername.and extra

5) Room allocation for class
1.roomid, 2.roomno.3.sectionid,4.fromyear 5.toyear.

Now i am struggle with assigning time table for each class.I think all of the above is enough for making time table. I am single person develop this application. from my knowledge time table are making for weekly once. But how can design weekly time table in windows application.
the below is my planning time table for db.
master table
0.timetableid.1.classid 2.sectionid,,Day 5.No.of period before lunch after lunch. 7.Workingdaytype(this working day type already
i designed so i can get it.
sub table.,2.timetableid(forienkey)3.periodfrom 4.periodto 5.teacherid.6. subjectid.7.RommNO.

and also how can design gridview for weekly timetable with lunch. and please give some logic to create time table.
How can assaign date for weekly time tables

Advance thanks for help

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