Premal Mehta

Premal Mehta

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Structs cannot contain explicit parameterless constructors

Jun 23 2016 10:43 AM


I need to implement C++ types in c#. Here's my code.

    public struct tdUMSFuncValue
        public string szName;

        public tdUMSFuncType ft;

        public double dfloat;

        public int lInteger;

        public Int64 time_t;

        public string szString;

    public struct tdUMSFuncValues
        public tdUMSFuncValue[] fv;
        public int lCt;
        public tdUMSFuncValues()
            tdUMSFuncValue[] fv = new tdUMSFuncValue[11];
            fv[0] = new tdUMSFuncValue();
            lCt = 0;

I get this error :
 Structs cannot contain explicit parameterless constructors 
How can this be done in C#. I need to use struct at I am replacing a C++ dll with c# dll.
any ideas.

Answers (2)