Ritendra Mall

Ritendra Mall

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Stored procedure for updating

Dec 4 2019 4:14 AM
Hello Everyone,
Please help to understand how i can write the store prodecure which will do following operations:-
suppose there are two tables named as table1 and table2 , the table 1 containting the old records but table2 containing fresh updated records. table2 is the replica of the table1 means having the same table staructure as table 1 having .
1) Now what we have to do is to compare the bothe records and list down all the records which exist in the table1(OLD TABLE) but not in table2(Updated table)  .
2) once found the list of the records which are in the old table but not in new table, we have to set the status of those records as closed(which are not exist in the new table) .

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