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Status Message for running process.

Sep 22 2008 6:31 AM


Am doing c# windows application.I have some mutilple forms,each form am calling one exe and run automatically.
I want to give the status message to the user for each when run the application.for example,before loading exe it should say "Outlook will now

launch and auto-configure. Please do not click any or press any keys " with bold and different bond.
After complete this configuration i have to change the label like "Configuration done..."

sample Code given below
lblMercatorData.Visible = true;
 lblmark1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(lblmark1.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
lblMercatorData.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(lblMercatorData.Font, FontStyle.Bold);

// Calling the Exe here
 ObjProMercator.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\XX\XX\ABC.exe";
 ObjProMercator.StartInfo.Arguments = strWindowsUser;

lblmark1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(lblmark1.Font, FontStyle.Regular);
lblMercatorData.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(lblMercatorData.Font, FontStyle.Regular);

but its not working properly.

am using thread also. please give the correct to check the status according to the EXE status.when running the exe i need to give one

message after that give another message.

Thanks and Regards

Answers (1)