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SQL Server 2005 Search Records

Jun 19 2009 1:21 AM
Hi Experts
I Have a database having only one table and this table has 12 Columns all Columns
have data type varchar(Max).Now i fill Grid By Searching Record on Particular Field
After The Result Come To me in grid i further filter the record in the incoming
result set that is come in grid.this filter process may me n -times so how i can
save the incoming result and filter them.the data inside the table is near about  100000 (1Lakhs) records.The Record search is also faster.
 Currently i am using the SQL Server 2005 and C#.Net(2.0 Framework).
How i Make It Faster and Filter the record in n-pass. so i have not make round trip
on sql server every time when i search the record . i have display the record not to
save or update it in Database. i am not change my data type beacuse it store heavy
Data inside the single fields
Dinesh Sharma