Vindhya Yadaav

Vindhya Yadaav

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Sql query not working

Dec 1 2015 5:38 AM

SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("select scode from result where Enrollno ='" + Label7.Text + "'", con);

DataTable dt = new DataTable();


int c = dt.Rows.Count;

if (c != 0)


Label8.Text ="Sorry You Have been already Given Exam";


Its not working
when i given Not paper1 (scode) its works and insert command .
after that when i want given paper2(scode) its say Sorry You Have been already Given Exam";
but i not given paper2.
One Enrollment No. also give paper1 and paper2, paper3 how....?


SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into result(Enrollno,scode,TotalQuestion,TotalCorrectAnswer,TotalWrongAnswer,Examdate) values (" + Label7.Text + ",'" + DropDownList1.Text + "','" + a + "','" + count + "','" + b + "','" + Label5.Text + "')", con);





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