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narasiman rao
sql queries
May 4 2013 10:33 AM
SELECT S.Marks, S.QPName,B.Class,B.BthNo, CONVERT(varchar(11),B.Batchdate,106) as Batch_Date,B.Attender FROM STUDDET S,Batch B
where S.BthId = B.BthId and s.StudId = '55386';
select * from STUDDET where StudId = '55386';
select Faculty_Name = (select top 1 facname from faculty where facid = bfid), Rating = (case rate when '1' then 'Excellent' when '2' then 'Good' when '3' then 'Fair' when '4' then 'Poor' when '0' then 'Not Applicable' end)
from facfeedback where studid = '55386' and answerid = '5';
select Faculty_Name = (select top 1 facname from faculty where facid = bfid), Rating = (case rate when '1' then 'Excellent' when '2' then 'Good' when '3' then 'Fair' when '4' then 'Poor' when '0' then 'Not Applicable' end)
from facfeedback
select Faculty_Name = (select top 1 facname from faculty where facid = bfid), Rating = (case rate when '1' then 'Excellent' when '2' then 'Good' when '3' then 'Fair' when '4' then 'Poor' when '0' then 'Not Applicable' end)
from facfeedback where studid = '32468' and answerid = '5';
-- select * from STUDDET where StudId = '55386';
--32468 55639
select * from STUDDET where Studid = '32468';
SELECT S.Marks, S.QPName,B.Class,B.BthNo, CONVERT(varchar(11),B.Batchdate,106) as Batch_Date,B.Attender FROM STUDDET S,Batch B
where S.BthId = B.BthId and s.StudId = '32468';
select * from STUDDET where Studid = '44504';
select * from STUDDET where Studid = '55639';
select * from STUDDET where Studid = '31791';
-- 44504
-- SELECT S.Marks, S.QPName,B.Class,B.BthNo, CONVERT(varchar(11),B.Batchdate,106) as Batch_Date,B.Attender,S.AnswerID,C.Comment FROM STUDDET S,Batch B,Comment C
-- where S.BthId = B.BthId and S.AnswerID = C.AnswerID and s.StudId = '31791';
select * from STUDDET where Studid = '31791';
SELECT S.Marks, S.QPName,B.Class,B.BthNo, CONVERT(varchar(11),B.Batchdate,106) as Batch_Date, B.Attender,S.AnswerID as Ans_ID FROM STUDDET S,Batch B,Comment C
where S.BthId = B.BthId and S.AnswerID = C.AnswerID and s.StudId = '31791';
--second student
-- select * from STUDDET where Studid = '52716';
-- SELECT S.Marks, S.QPName,B.Class,B.BthNo, CONVERT(varchar(11),B.Batchdate,106) as Batch_Date, B.Attender,S.AnswerID as Ans_ID FROM STUDDET S,Batch B,Comment C
-- where S.BthId = B.BthId and S.AnswerID = C.AnswerID and s.StudId = '52716';
--Third student
select * from STUDDET where Studid = '60182';
SELECT S.Marks, S.QPName,B.Class,B.BthNo, CONVERT(varchar(11),B.Batchdate,106) as Batch_Date, B.Attender,S.AnswerID as Ans_ID FROM STUDDET S,Batch B
where S.BthId = B.BthId and S.AnswerID = s.Studid and s.StudId = '60182';
select * from STUDDET where Studid = '52716';
SELECT S.Marks, S.QPName,B.Class,B.BthNo, CONVERT(varchar(11),B.Batchdate,106) as Batch_Date, B.Attender,S.AnswerID as Ans_ID FROM STUDDET S,Batch B
where S.BthId = B.BthId and S.AnswerID = S.AnswerID and s.StudId = '52716';
SELECT S.Marks, S.QPName,B.Class,B.BthNo, CONVERT(varchar(11),B.Batchdate,106) as Batch_Date, B.Attender,S.AnswerID as Ans_ID FROM STUDDET S,Batch B
where S.BthId = B.BthId and S.AnswerID = S.AnswerID and s.StudId ='61459';
select * from STUDDET where Studid = '61459';
SELECT S.Marks, S.QPName,B.Class,B.BthNo, CONVERT(varchar(11),B.Batchdate,106) as Batch_Date, B.Attender,S.AnswerID as Ans_ID FROM STUDDET S,Batch B
where S.BthId = B.BthId and S.AnswerID = S.AnswerID and s.StudId ='32468';
select * from STUDDET where Studid = '32468';
-- 52716 60182 61459
--Rating for faculty use the below query
select Faculty_Name = (select top 1 facname from faculty where facid = bfid), Rating = (case rate when '1' then 'Excellent' when '2' then 'Good' when '3' then 'Fair' when '4' then 'Poor' when '0' then 'Not Applicable' end)
from facfeedback where studid = '55386' and answerid = '5';
select Faculty_Name = (select top 1 facname from faculty where facid = bfid), Rating = (case rate when '1' then 'Excellent' when '2' then 'Good' when '3' then 'Fair' when '4' then 'Poor' when '0' then 'Not Applicable' end)
from facfeedback
-- select Faculty_Name = (select top 1 facname from faculty where facid = bfid), Rating = (case rate when '1' then 'Excellent' when '2' then 'Good' when '3' then 'Fair' when '4' then 'Poor' when '0' then 'Not Applicable' end)
-- from facfeedback where Faculty_Name = 'G.SEKHAR';
select * from startexec;
select * from batch where Bthid = '718';
select s.bthid, class from batch b, startexec s where s.bthid = b.bthid
select Class,Bthid from Batch;
Select Class from batch where Bthid = '718';
select * from studdet where Marks > 59;
select * from studdet where Marks > 59 and Studid = '49771';
select * from marks > 59 and Studid = '49771'
select * from studdet where Studid = '60845';
select * from studdet where Marks < 59
--select s.StudName,S.Marks,b.class from studdet s,Batch b where Marks > 59 and s.Studid = '55334' and b.Bthid = '37';
--select * from studdet where Studid = '55334';
Select Bthid from startexec
Select Bthid from startexec
Select * from currentexam
Select Class from batch where Bthid = '13'
--Select Class,Bthid from batch
Select Bthid,Class from batch
select * From course
select * from Batch;
Select Bthid from startexec
Select Class from batch where Bthid = '718';
--Login validation query
select * from batch where Bthid ='37';
select StudName from studdet where Marks > 59 and Studid = '55334' and Bthid = '37';
select * from studdet where Studid = '55334';
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need to convert C# 4.0 code C# 2.0..please help me
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