Sumit Kumawat

Sumit Kumawat

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SQL logic error or missing database Insufficient parameters

Jun 12 2013 8:57 AM
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Hi all,

Through my app i am storing users information in Sqlite database.In database table i have one field which datatype is "Date". while updating Fields in table i am getting following error

"SQL logic error or missing database Insufficient parameters supplied to the command"

below in code which i am using.

mySQLiteCommand.CommandText = "Update  Users set LastDate = @LastDate ,Status = @Status Where Name = '" + item.Key + "'and LastName = '" + item1.Key + "'";


 mySQLiteCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@LastDate ",object)item.Value));
 mySQLiteCommand.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@Status", (object)status));


Please help me


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