Riddhi Valecha

Riddhi Valecha

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SQL Dynamic Search Query

Dec 26 2016 4:25 AM
Dear all..
I have a table as -
 ID User Location Flag
 1 Ashok Mumbai  
 2 Reema Mumbai 1
 3 Kesar Haryana 1
 4 Hardik Kolkata 1
 5 Rajat Kolkata 1
Front-End -
1. CheckListbox - List of users.
2. CheckListbox - List of Locations.
User can select multiple Users or/and Locations.
For null values (eg - if no Location is selected, System.DBValue.Null is passed)
1. If User - Ashok, then only one record must be displayed.
SQL Stored Procedure -
@User varchar(max),
@Location varchar(max)
declare @SQLQuery nvarchar(4000)
 declare @Whereclause nvarchar(4000)
set @SQLQuery = 'select ID, User, Location from UserLocationTable where Flag = 1'
if @User is not null
  set @Whereclause =' and User in ('+@User+)'
if @Location is not null
set @Whereclause =' and Location in ('+@Location+)' 
set @SQLQuery = @SQLQuery + @Whereclause -
Issue - Passing System.DBNull.Value.ToString() from front-end makes the query as -
select ID, User, Location from UserLocationTable where Flag =1 and Location in ('')
and User in ('Ashok')
How to solve this ?? Please guide 

Answers (14)