Hi Folks,
When the data is a match then I want to call SP and Insert the record in a different table.
How can I set and check conditionally like the case when or If else with a different table Insert or Update?
Look at the below code for a better understanding
DECLARE @SqlQuery VARCHAR(MAX) SET @SqlQuery = 'MERGE ' + QUOTENAME(@MainDB) + '.[dbo].[tblTax_M] AS T USING (SELECT * FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@DbName) + '.[dbo].[tblTax_M] ) AS S ON T.TAXNAME = S.TAXNAME WHEN MATCHED THEN IF (S.Type = 1) BEGIN SET @Type = 0 END EXEC SP_InsertTye S.Type Update T.Type = @Type *12 WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT ([TaxId],[BranchId],[TAXNAME],[PERCENTAGE],[Type],[CreatedDate],[Amount],[CreatedBy],[IsDeleted],[TaxType],[IsIncludedInPrice] ,[indicator],[isPromptExemption],[pctStartAmt],[Sysid]) VALUES (S.TaxId,S.BranchId,S.TAXNAME,S.PERCENTAGE,S.Type,S.CreatedDate,S.Amount,S.CreatedBy,S.IsDeleted,S.TaxType,S.IsIncludedInPrice ,S.indicator,S.isPromptExemption,S.pctStartAmt,S.Sysid);' PRINT 'Tax(tblTax_M) data insert successfully' EXEC sp_executesql @SqlQuery