Basit Khan

Basit Khan

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Split the invoice date as per startdatetime and enddatetime

Aug 3 2022 4:33 AM


Thanks for help.

I want to seprate invoice data as per month wise.

below i have table.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Invoice]( [InvoiceNo] [numeric](18, 0) NULL, [StartDateTime] [datetime] NULL, [EndDateTime] [datetime] NULL, [InvHours] [numeric](18, 2) NULL, [Amount] [numeric](18, 2) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO

and the data is given below.

INSERT INTO Invoice ( InvoiceNo, StartDateTime,EndDateTime,InvHours,Amount ) VALUES (1,'2022-04-28 22:00:00.000','2022-05-02 12:15:00.000', 86.25,3000), (2,'2022-05-21 12:45:00.000','2022-05-24 04:15:00.000', 63.5,1000), (3,'2022-05-21 19:00:00.000','2022-05-24 20:45:00.000', 73.75,2000)

if run the query select * from Invoice below is the result.

InvoiceNo StartDateTime EndDateTime InvHours Amount
1 28-04-2022 22:00 02-05-2022 12:15 86.25 3000
2 21-05-2022 12:45 24-05-2022 04:15 63.5 1000
3 21-05-2022 19:00 24-05-2022 20:45 73.75 2000

Now the invoiceNo 1 start from 28-04-2022 to 02-05-2022 now i'm looking for query to split the InvoiceNo 1 StartDate 28-04-2022 and end 30-04-2022 and calculate hours and amount.

below result i'm looking for. Amount 3000/86.25=34.78

InvoiceNo StartDateTime EndDateTime InvHours Amount This column shows calculation
1 28-04-2022 22:00 30-04-2022 23:59 49.98 1738.550713 =49.98*34.78=1738.551
1 30-04-2022 23:59 02-05-2022 12:15 36.27 1261.449252 =36.24*34.78=1261.449
2 21-05-2022 12:45 24-05-2022 04:15 63.5 1000  
3 21-05-2022 19:00 24-05-2022 20:45 73.75 2000

I wrote the below code but new_enddate timing is not coming, Its coming 2022-04-30 22:00:00.000 It should come 2022-04-30 11:59:59 and also repeate same in new_StartDateTime. ( if the startDate and EndDate month is different)

;WITH n(n) AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [object_id])-1 FROM sys.all_columns ), d(n,f,t,md,bp,ep,am,hr,InVNo) AS ( SELECT n.n, d.StartDateTime, d.EndDateTime, DATEDIFF(MONTH, d.StartDateTime, d.EndDateTime), --new start date & Time DATEADD(MONTH, n.n, DATEADD(DAY, 1-DAY(StartDateTime), StartDateTime)), --new End Date & Time DATEADD(DAY, -1, DATEADD(MONTH, 1, DATEADD(MONTH, n.n,DATEADD(DAY, 1-DAY(StartDateTime), StartDateTime)))), --DATEADD(month, ((YEAR(StartDateTime) - 1900) * 12) + MONTH(StartDateTime), -1), d.Amount,d.InvHours,d.InvoiceNo FROM n INNER JOIN Invoice AS d ON d.EndDateTime >= DATEADD(MONTH, n.n-1, d.StartDateTime) ) SELECT original_StartDateTime = f, original_EndDateTime = t, new_StartDateTime = CASE n WHEN 0 THEN f ELSE bp END, new_EndDateTime = CASE n WHEN md THEN t ELSE ep END, new_Amount = am, new_Hour = hr, getNewHour=DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CASE n WHEN 0 THEN f ELSE bp END,CASE n WHEN md THEN t ELSE ep END)/60.0, Per_Hr=round(am/hr,2), NewAmountUSD=(DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CASE n WHEN 0 THEN f ELSE bp END,CASE n WHEN md THEN t ELSE ep END)/60.0)*round(am/hr,2), NewInvNo=InVNo FROM d WHERE md >= n ORDER BY original_StartDateTime, new_StartDateTime;

original_StartDateTime original_EndDateTime new_StartDateTime new_EndDateTime new_Amount new_Hour getNewHour Per_Hr NewAmountUSD NewInvNo
28-04-2022 22:00 02-05-2022 12:15 28-04-2022 22:00 30-04-2022 22:00 3000 86.25 48 34.78 1669.44 1
28-04-2022 22:00 02-05-2022 12:15 01-05-2022 22:00 02-05-2022 12:15 3000 86.25 14.25 34.78 495.615 1
21-05-2022 12:45 24-05-2022 04:15 21-05-2022 12:45 24-05-2022 04:15 1000 63.5 63.5 15.75 1000.125 2
21-05-2022 19:00 24-05-2022 20:45 21-05-2022 19:00 24-05-2022 20:45 2000 73.75 73.75 27.12 2000.1 3



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