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1. SomeEvent()

Jun 9 2007 6:54 AM

June 9, 2007


Hi Guys


I got the following program from the website. Address is given. I couldn’t understand the following code in the program (particularly SomeEvent();????????? it seems a method).  Please anybody explain.


public void OnSomeEvent()


      if(SomeEvent != null)




Thank you


//A very simple event demonstration

// Basics/Averysimpleeventdemonstration.htm


using System;


// Declare a delegate for an event. 

delegate void MyEventHandler();     //Delegate named MyEventHandler 


// Declare an event class.

class MyEvent


      public event MyEventHandler SomeEvent;    //an event named SomeEvent


      // This is called to fire the event.

      public void OnSomeEvent()


            if(SomeEvent != null)





public class EventDemo


      // An event handler.

      static void handler()


            Console.WriteLine("Event occurred");



      public static void Main()


            MyEvent evt = new MyEvent();


            // Add handler() to the event list.

            evt.SomeEvent += new MyEventHandler(handler);   //SomeEvent - event name

                                                                                    //MyEventHandler - Delegate name

            // Fire the event.



            //We need a way to take some actions when an event is fired (or we can say took place)





Event occurred


Answers (4)