sheraz khan

sheraz khan

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Size Reduced for Images in PDF & Improved Images to PDF Con.

May 15 2013 12:58 PM

What's New in this Release?

The long awaited version of Aspose.Words for .NET & Java (13.4.0) has been released. This month's release includes contains a massive 154 improvements to Aspose.Words, including several big performance boosts and interesting new features. The amount of memory required to render a document has been reduced by more than 20-30%. Rendering of images to PDF improved by approximately 25% when saving with JPEG compression. The size of images stored in PDF files generated by Aspose.Words has been reduced in many cases. Duplication of images could sometimes occur in some situations. This issue has been resolved and file size improved in these cases. In this release Aspose.Words introduces support for digitally signing DOC and DOCX documents. A digital signature adds an extra layer of protection to a document and ensures that the document content has not been tampered with. This feature adds an "invisible" signature to the document, which is not to be confused with a signature line which is a digital signature accompanied by a normally handwritten signature image. With this release Aspose.Words can now detect the compliance of a loaded OOXML document and resave the document using the correct compliance. This avoids the document being saved to the wrong specification and unexpected compatibility warnings. The list of most notable new and improved features in this release are listed below

·         Improved memory performance for large documents (now code uses ~20% less memory for 1Gb+ documents)

·         DOC and DOCX document can be signed with digital signatures, also signatures can be removed;

·         3D color for VML extrusion effect is supported

·         Improved performance of PDF rendering of documents with Jpeg images

·         DML Charts enhancements: surface charts rendering, moving average trend lines rendering and more

·         Supported rendering of revisions

·         Improved pagination of footnotes

·         Implemented character paragraph indents

·         Fixed positioning of a table broken across pages when it has repeated header rows

·         Improved table row wrapping around floaters

·         Fixed issue with Arabic-Indic numerals inside SDT

·         Aspose.Words allows to write OOXML documents that do not cause Compatibility Mode when opened in MS Word 2010-2013 

·         Support XAML (Flow document).

·         Digitally sign a DOCX document

·         Digitally sign a DOC document

·         Support surface chart rendering.

·         Parapragh Tight Wrap property now preserve on re save the document

·         Docx to HTML conversion issue with Paragraph rendering is resolved

·         /revision marks/ Hidden text becomes visible in PDF

·         Text wrapping is changed from "Square" to "in line with text" in output Doc/Docx

·         /revision marks/ Revision formatting and comments are not preserved in PDF

·         Support AlternateContent upon reading charts for rendering.

·         Force LoadFormat during document load

·         Add another Automation to Aspose migration tip to the docs

·         Support band formats upon rendering surface charts.\

·         Support rendering of Linear trendlines.

·         Support rendering of Moving Average trendlines.

·         Review the blog release for the dashboard

·         Add the release to the downloads module

·         Include dashboard in the MSI and add prompt the user to open at the end of the installer

·         Add dashboard to dlls only zip for all products

·         Remove .sh file to register Aspose.Words.dll on Mono

·         Remove existing demo code from the installer

·         Feasibility study // Avoid reconvertion of non-JPEG images for texture brush.

·         Line AutoShape causes Aspose.Words to hang during rendering

·         System.InvalidCastException throws while converting from RTF document to other file formats

·         Avoid using fonts during rendering checboxes.

·         Size of images is changed after open/save the document.

·         File size is increased two times after open/save the document.

·         Support transparency in WMF emulated by SRCPAINT and SRCAND raster operations.

·         VML // Shape shadow effect rendering

·         Text inside textbox is cropped during rendering is now fixed

·         Position of Textbox is incorrect after converting to DOCX

·         Investigate whether we can decrease memory usage upon rendering documents.

·         DML linear gradient brushes should use transformation matrices instead of angle.

·         /page vertical alignment/document to pdf conversion, image lose its position is fixed

·         while converting doc to pdf, image properties now available

·         Pdf page count is greater than input Word document, after converting doc to Pdf

·         DOC to PDF conversion issue resolved; All pages not exported to PDF

·         Document text out of position is fixed, While saving Word document in Pdf format

·         While doc to Pdf, footer image rendering is fixed.

·         While converting Word document to Multipage Tiff image, first image missing is fixed.

·         TextBox is hidden while rendering is fixed.

·         Docx to PDF conversion issue resolved with tables

·         Doc to PDF conversion issue resolved with left margin

·         Doc to PDF conversion issue resolved with Text field's text

·         Work out a useful way to avoid running into Compatibility Mode when saving OOXML and opening in Word 2010

·         Docx to Html conversion issue resolved with text position

·         Text is misplaced after conversion from Doc to Pdf is fixed

·         Improve work with brushes upon rendering charts.

·         Complete and release the offline examples dashboard

·         Unexpected vertical border line appears besides characters in Html is fixed

·         Errors with math symbols when converting .docx to .pdf on Ubuntu is fixed

·         Table Width Changed Issue resolved in Html2Doc2Html

·         Font is incorrectly imported from HTML is now fixed

·         Two tables are joined into one

·         One of the tables incorrectly reads into model

·         Content is imported as a single Paragraph

·         Text contents misplaced while conveying from Doc to Fixed file format

·         HTML to Doc conversion issue resolved with Paragraph Left Indent

·         Open and Save HTML file lost Left Indentation of Paragraphs

·         XPS printing issue resolved with text at physical printer

·         Shape's z-order is corrected in HTML export.

·         Create infrastructure for compliance info gathering during OOXML document loading

·         Failed assertion in BorderGrid.AddCell()

·         Word 2013 now respect zoom level set by Aspose.Words

·         Add support of 3D color to extrusion effect.

·         Add support of gradient brush scale.

·         Incorrect tab width when list aligned tab occurs after another tab

·         Shadow for shapes with broad stroke differs from MS Word 2013 result

·         Line width is now considered during applying extrusion effect

·         Support Z-Axis labels rendering.

·         Improve drop lines rendering for 3D line charts.

·         /footnote balancing/ Docx to PDF conversion issue

·         Line chart is rendered as smooth but should be rendered as straight lines.

·         Font of text inside WordArt Shape is now corrected in PDF

·         Update links to Aspose site in shortcuts created by the installer

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Words for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Words for performing different tasks like the followings.

-  Access and Verify Digital Signatures:

- How to Convert a Document to MHTML and Email:

Overview: Aspose.Words for .NET

Aspose.Words is a word processing component that enables Java & .NET applications to read, write and modify Word documents without using Microsoft Word. Other useful features include document creation, content and formatting manipulation, mail merge abilities, reporting features, TOC updated/rebuilt, Embedded OOXML, Footnotes rendering and support of DOCX, DOC, WordprocessingML, HTML, XHTML, TXT and PDF formats (requires Aspose.Pdf). It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. You can even use Aspose.Words to build applications with Mono.

More about Aspose.Words for .NET

- Homepage of Aspose.Words for .NET:

- Homepage of Aspose.Words for Java:  

- Download Aspose.Words for .NET:

- Download Aspose.Words for Java:

- Online Demos for Aspose.Words :

- Online documentation of Aspose.Words :

- Post your technical questions/queries to Aspose.Words Forum:

- Receive notifications about latest news and supported features by subscribing to Aspose.Words blog:

Contact Information

Aspose Pty Ltd

Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road

Lane Cove, NSW, 2066


[email protected]

Phone: 888.277.6734 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting             

Fax: 866.810.9465