Cefora Kaja

Cefora Kaja

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Show me the very last number by ORDER

Oct 26 2015 12:35 PM
I have a small table with three column: ID, Name and number
Then in the number column there is numbers that its not in order (for example: 1,2,7,5,3, etc.)
When I make my search I wish that this filter should be do in order. For instance if the column Name = 'shana' then show me ONLY the very last number of shana into my textbox.
With these codes its works but its show me the first number (or other anynumber) of the person I need. But my concern is to show the last number in order. This is the error message: Erro of sintaxe in expression of query 'number where name='Shana''.

Answers (3)