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SheetCalculateEventHandler (object Sh) triggers when there is a formula change in the excel sheet.

Apr 13 2010 6:13 AM

I've written the SheetCalculateEventHandler event to trigger for recalculation in Excel.

The function SheetCalculateEventHandler (object Sh) triggers when there is a formula change in the excel sheet.

My aim is to read the function result from the Sh object.
for example, if A1=50, A2=40 and A3=SUM(A1,A2).Now I change the A1=17 so now I A3 .The A3 is Related E4=A3.Now value also changed because we write function for that.I can Able to Catch the Value For A3.But I want Capture the Value for E4.If anybody Have idea means Please guide me to get the value.

Thanks in advance.