Kwasi Denkyira

Kwasi Denkyira

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set selected value of one dropdown to another dropdown mvc

Apr 24 2017 3:35 PM
I have  using MVC5 and have two dropdowns.When users select an item in the first dropdown I want the second dropdown to show the related item if their their ID's match. Below is my code
public JsonResult LoadTest(int id)
var cd = (from h in Purchases
from s in h.Schedules
where h.Id == id || h.TOId == h.Admin.TOId
&& !h.Inactive
&& !s.Finalized
&& !s.NotRequired
orderby s.DateSort
select h).Distinct();
var cSelectItems = cd
.Select(item => new SelectListItem
Text = item.Number + "/" + item.Name,
Value = item.Id.ToString( )
ViewData["Class"] = cdrlSelectItems;
foreach (var t in cd)
if(t.TOId > 0)
var wto = (from h in Purchases
from s in h.Schedules
where h.Id == id && h.TOId == h.Admin.TOId
&& !h.Inactive
&& !s.Finalized
&& !s.NoLongerRequired
orderby s.DateSort
select h).Distinct();
var cWdtoSelect = wto
.Select(item => new SelectListItem
Text = item.Number + "/" + item.CName,
Selected = item.Id == t.TOId,
Value = item.Id.ToString( )
return Json(cWdtoSelect.ToList(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
return Json(cSelectItems.ToList(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
catch (Exception ex)

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