Rehaan Ahmed

Rehaan Ahmed

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Serialize and desirialize multiple JSON to C#

Jul 5 2018 1:31 AM
I have three txt files which contain the same Json data i want to read them all in c# class objects and overwrite all the objects from a textbox value in all the files at the same time
in short i have these fields common in all three text files
i want store their values in the c# object class from all three files at a time and then overwrite the same object values supplied by a textbox value for all the attributes read by three different files
code to read single file data
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
_orderRequest = (OrderRequest)JsonReader.ReadRecord(fs, _recordManager, TicketingRecordNames.OrderRequest);
my object class
public class OrderRequest
public string org;
public string raff;
public string time;
public string user;
public OrderRequest _orderRequest;
FILE 1 data
FILE 2 data

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