sanas v

sanas v

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Serial Port Error

Apr 7 2011 9:38 AM
Dear All,
Data comes to my serial port every 6 seconds.
My application is capturing the data @ 1 data/6 seconds initially,  properly and converting it into graphs.
But as the time proceeds the capture rate becomes @ 2 data/12 seconds and again after some time @3 data/18 seconds.
At the end of 10 hours its around @ 50-60 data/6 minutes ... and keeps increasing.
Please note that no data is lost even though the application comes to a stand-still for 6 minutes.
I have searched various forums for many days without any success.
I am attaching the code and properties settings.

private void Import_Data_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

if (LiveMenu.Checked)
LiveMenu.Checked = false;
Live = false;
SPTimer.Enabled = false;

if (SP.IsOpen) { SP.Close(); }
catch { }
LiveMenu.Checked = true;
Live = true;
SPTimer.Enabled = true;

if (!SP.IsOpen) { SP.Open(); }
catch { }


private void SP_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
Serial_Data += SP.ReadLine();
catch { }

private void SPTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
SPTimer.Enabled = false;
if (lblLive.Visible == false) { lblLive.Visible = true; }
else { lblLive.Visible = false; }

if (Serial_Data.Contains("\r"))
Serial_Data = "";

SPTimer.Enabled = true;

Any suggestions will be of great help to me.


Answers (11)