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Send/Receive Data Online

Apr 25 2007 5:13 PM
Don't know what to call this topic... Either way, what I am trying to accomplish today is sending/receiving data online, like logging you in online. I did this in VB6 using an HTTP wrapper that someone had made, but I am making the transition to .NET and am needing help. Here is an example of what I am trying to do: 1.- User loads client program and uses Username/Password to login. 2.- That criteria is tested by logging in on a website. The program will get the source of the page and store in a text field/string, then searches for certain phrases that indicate that a login is successful - The function I will use is posted below: *** Public Function GetBetween(ByVal Source As String, ByVal Starting As String, ByVal Ending As String) As String Dim Start As Integer Dim End As Integer If Source.Contains(Starting) AndAlso Source.Contains(Ending) Then Start = Source.IndexOf(Starting, 0) + Starting.Length End = Source.IndexOf(Ending, Start) Return Source.Substring(Start, End - Start) Else Return "" End If End Function *** 3.- Once the criteria matches, a second form loads. As you can see, easy enough, but I don't know where to start, and would appreciate help.