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Sending IP Packet ?

Oct 27 2004 6:46 AM
Hello, I have this class in my project. I can open a socket and send ICMP packet. public class Ipheader { public byte Version; public byte HeaderLength; public byte DifferentiatedServicesField; public ushort Length; public ushort Identification; public byte Flags; public ushort FragmentOffset; public ushort TimeToLive; public byte Protocol; public ushort HeaderChecksum; public string Source; public string Destination; } Now i want to build a ICMP packet witht TTL = 1 in IP header. How can i do this ? And how how can i give this packet a version, length .... I have this 2 structs in C: struct in_addr src; struct sockaddr_in addr; is there something similar in C# ? links oder tuts maybe helpfull for me! regards

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