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Send mail using vb.net

Oct 10 2006 9:38 PM

Back when I was using Access there was a way to send a report with a simple line like this

DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "MyReport", acFormatRTF, , , , "MySubject", MyMessage, True

I was able to send the message with or without Outlook opening so it can be edited. This was easy to use.

Now I want to know if there is a way as simple as this to send a message in VB.net. I dont need to send a report, but i want to be able to make Outlook send a message in the background to alert managers when updates have been made in the database. The database is on an intranet. We have exchange server and Outlook.

I have tried using the smtpclient functionality, but found that it requires a 'from' mail address. With the sendobject that was automatically sent. As there are many users of the database i am not sure how to get their from details.

I thought of using mailto: but i want it to send the message without having outlook open.

Can anyone help?

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