Hi everyone
I have the below stored procedure and I want to select all columns to display them on the web form using "where clause" by specifying the "regno" provided by user in a textbook named txtboxsearch or "date from and to" by user selecting time on the displayed calender. The problem am having is how to select the column names like "totalhourabsent" and "totalhourpresent" that aren't in the database table but rather in the stored procedure.
Below is my stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetAttendanceByHours] AS BEGIN
Select *,ISNULL(NO_HRS_PRESENT,0)*100/ ((ISNULL(NO_HRS_PRESENT,0))+(ISNULL(NO_HRS_ABSNT,0))) PRSNT_PERC,ISNULL(NO_HRS_ABSNT,0)*100/ ((ISNULL(NO_HRS_PRESENT,0))+(ISNULL(NO_HRS_ABSNT,0))) ABSNT_PERCfrom(selectREGNO,FIRSTNAME,LASTNAME,MAX(case when status = 'P' THEN CNT end) NO_HRS_PRESENT,MAX(case WHEN STATUS = 'A' THEN CNT END) NO_HRS_ABSNT from(selectREGNO,FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME,status,count(status) CNT from AttendanceTablegroup by regno,firstname, lastname, status ) AGROUP BY regno,firstname, lastname) tmp