Farooque Ali

Farooque Ali

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Select the Drawned text during runtime for modification and move

Jun 14 2011 2:57 AM

Am doing the imaging application. Here i was done the drawing a text on picturebix. It is working fine.

Now i need to select that text and modify the size and color. And also i have move the text througout the picturebox.

Am working on that, but am not able to find the solution.

Can anyone please tell me how to do this.

Below is the code for draw the text

 public void InsertText(string text, int xPosition, int yPosition, string fontname, float fontsize, string fontstyle, string colorname)
            Bitmap temp = (Bitmap)bmp;
            Bitmap bmap = (Bitmap)temp.Clone();
            Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bmap);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontname))
                fontname = "Times New Roman";
            if (fontsize.Equals(null))
                fontsize = 10.0F;
            Font font = new Font(fontname, fontsize);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontstyle))
                FontStyle fstyle = FontStyle.Regular;
                switch (fontstyle.ToLower())
                    case "bold":
                        fstyle = FontStyle.Bold;
                    case "italic":
                        fstyle = FontStyle.Italic;
                    case "underline":
                        fstyle = FontStyle.Underline;
                    case "strikeout":
                        fstyle = FontStyle.Strikeout;
                font = new Font(fontname, fontsize, fstyle);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(colorname))
                colorname = "Black";
            Color color1 = Color.FromName(colorname);
            int gW = (int)(text.Length * fontsize);
            gW = gW == 0 ? 10 : gW;
            LinearGradientBrush LGBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(new Rectangle(0, 0, gW, (int)fontsize), color1, color1, LinearGradientMode.Vertical);
            //lbltext.Visible = true;
            //lbltext.ForeColor = color1;
            //lbltext.Location = new Point(xPosition, yPosition);
            //lbltext.Text = text;
            //gr.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.White, new PointF(xPos, yPos));
            gr.DrawString(text, font, LGBrush, new PointF(xPosition, yPosition));
            temp = (Bitmap)bmap.Clone();
            pictureBox1.Image = temp;

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