Devendra  Kumar

Devendra Kumar

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select query from table

Nov 26 2016 2:06 AM
hello friend i have a select query in which i select all required details  like:
SELECT Tbl_Products.ProductId, Tbl_Client_Address.ClientID, Tbl_Client_Address.ClientEmail, Tbl_Client_Address.ClientName, Tbl_Client_Address.ClientMobile, Tbl_Client_Address.ClientStreet+', '+
Tbl_Client_Address.ClientPostal+', '+ Tbl_Client_Address.ClientCity +', '+ Tbl_Client_Address.ClientState+' ,'+Tbl_Client_Address.ClientCountry as address, Tbl_OrderDetail.Qantity,, Tbl_Products.Image1, Tbl_OrderMaster.item_amount, Tbl_Products.ProductCode+''+ Tbl_Products.ProductName as proname
FROM Tbl_Client_Address INNER JOIN Tbl_OrderDetail INNER JOIN Tbl_OrderMaster ON Tbl_OrderDetail.OrderMasterfkId = Tbl_OrderMaster.orderId INNER JOIN
Tbl_Products ON Tbl_OrderDetail.ProductFkId = Tbl_Products.ProductId ON Tbl_Client_Address.ClientId = Tbl_OrderMaster.ClientAdrsId
order by date desc
 and i have another table transaction in which have common field like clientid 
i want select those all client which clien id not in this transaction  table  

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