ajay pandey

ajay pandey

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Jun 12 2015 3:13 PM
I am Getting a Problem. Please Help.
 I am not getting Model Class In the Step 3. Please See Below. In Red Line i have mention the Error.
We will be using table tblEmployee for this demo. Use the script below to create and populate the table with sample data.
Create table tblEmployee
ID int identity primary key,
Name nvarchar(50),
Gender nvarchar(10),
Email nvarchar(50)

Insert into tblEmployee values('Sara Nani', 'Female', '[email protected]')
Insert into tblEmployee values('James Histo', 'Male', '[email protected]')
Insert into tblEmployee values('Mary Jane', 'Female', '[email protected]')
Insert into tblEmployee values('Paul Sensit', 'Male', '[email protected]')

Step 1: Create an empty asp.net mvc 4 application.

Step 2: Generate ADO.NET entity data model from database using table tblEmployee. Change the entity name from tblEmployee to Employee. Save changes and build the application.

Step 3: Add HomeController with the following settings.
a) Controller name = HomeController
b) Template = MVC controller with read/write actions and views, using Entity Framework
c) Model class = Employee
d) Data context class = SampleDBContext
e) Views = Razor 
 I am Getting Model Class =tblEmployee.
And If I am Selecting this then Getting The Error"Unable To Retrieve metadata for 'MVCDemo.Models.tblEmployee' . Could Not Find The CLR type for 'Models.Employee' .
Please Help.

Answers (2)