Ankit  Shukla

Ankit Shukla

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Search product details by ASIN No. using Amazon Web Services

Jul 4 2017 12:56 AM
         My task is this, user enter ASIN No. in textbox and click on button, As he click all details of product (Produce Name, Price etc) will show on a label.
         I have search lot of websites including amazon documents ("" ). But not getting result. I get a code:
var authentication = new AmazonAuthentication();
authentication.AccessKey = "AKIAJ**********";
authentication.SecretKey = "obDPUAtUz41hszmpxTf***********";

var wrapper = new AmazonWrapper(authentication, AmazonEndpoint.IN, "nager-20");
var result1 = wrapper.Search("B01FUK9TKG", Nager.AmazonProductAdvertising.Model.AmazonSearchIndex.All, Nager.AmazonProductAdvertising.Model.AmazonResponseGroup.OfferSummary);
var result = wrapper.Lookup("B01FUK9TKG", AmazonResponseGroup.OfferSummary);
this code is used in many websites. But not getting result. Please help.