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search for specific group in active directory

Jun 15 2011 8:15 AM
this is my code could anyone help me, I want to search exact user in special group in active directory, my group name is PID . could anyone here help me to do this.

OU = Users-Test

Group = PID

I want to search users under PID group in OU 'Users-Test'.

My code

string _path = LDAP://domain/CN=Users-Test,OU=Group,DC=aa,DC=xyz,DC=com;

dSearch.Filter =

loginName = GetProperty(sResultSet,
DirectorySearcher dSearch = new DirectorySearcher(_path);"(&(objectClass=user)(givenName=" + txtSearchEmployee.Text + "*))";foreach (SearchResult sResultSet in dSearch.FindAll())"cn"); // Login NameFirstName = GetProperty(sResultSet,
"givenName"); // First NameMiddleInitials = GetProperty(sResultSet,
"initials");// Middle NameLastName = GetProperty(sResultSet,
"sn"); // Last NameCompany = GetProperty(sResultSet,
"company"); // CompanyState = GetProperty(sResultSet,
"st"); //StateCity = GetProperty(sResultSet,
"l"); //CityCountry = GetProperty(sResultSet,
"co"); //CountryPostalcode = GetProperty(sResultSet,
"postalCode"); //PostalcodeTelephoneNumber = GetProperty(sResultSet,
Email = GetProperty(sResultSet,
"telephoneNumber");"mail"); //EmailuniqueName = GetProperty(sResultSet,

"mailnickname");ListItem newitem = new ListItem(uniqueName, uniqueName);

but it was not working.

please help me out.


Answers (2)