darma teja

darma teja

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Search for id in a specific files (Vulpes Help me)

May 23 2012 7:51 AM
I should search for a file with extension .ptg in a path(For example c:\ptgfiles) note: Subfolders is also there.
My all ptg files has some text is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>

<king version="4.0" ExtFileType="Extract">


<FFD GUID="{F5C91E25-E904-4AD0-AA6A-41FD0A5A12E4}" Name=""/><SecureSeg level="no"/><HistoryOpt active="no"/>



There are some FFD files with extension .FFD are in H folder.
My FFD files some text as follows: (But all FFD files does not have same text, the GUID is different.)
Now my requirement is:
1: Take each .ptg file and search for GUID number of ptg file (here in my example:F5C91E25-E904-4AD0-AA6A-41FD0A5A12E4) and Using this GUID, serach for exact GUID number in H folder FFD file.
 If GUID is matched i have to show GUIDs and Display names in my combobox.
At the same time i have to show all ptg file paths in listbox.

I am stucked at this point. How can i do??

Give me some ideas to do.

Answers (1)