Sreenath G

Sreenath G

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Scheduling Job Through ASP.Net programming is failing

Mar 15 2011 11:01 PM

I'm trying to create a Scheduled job in windows machine. I am doing this:

     private static uint mFnCreateJob(string Command, uint DaysOfMonth, uint DaysOfWeek, bool InteractWithDesktop, bool RunRepeatedly, string StartTime, out uint JobId)





                ManagementBaseObject lObjInputArgs = null;

                ManagementScope lObjScope = new ManagementScope(@"\root\cimv2");




                ManagementClass lObjclassObj = new ManagementClass(lObjScope, new ManagementPath("Win32_ScheduledJob"), null);


                lObjInputArgs = lObjclassObj.GetMethodParameters("Create");


                lObjInputArgs["Command"] = Command;

                lObjInputArgs["DaysOfMonth"] = DaysOfMonth;

                lObjInputArgs["DaysOfWeek"] = DaysOfWeek;

                lObjInputArgs["InteractWithDesktop"] = InteractWithDesktop;

                lObjInputArgs["RunRepeatedly"] = RunRepeatedly;

                lObjInputArgs["StartTime"] = StartTime;


                ManagementBaseObject outParams = lObjclassObj.InvokeMethod("Create", lObjInputArgs, null);


                JobId = ((uint)(outParams.Properties["JobId"].Value));


                return ((uint)(outParams.Properties["ReturnValue"].Value));



            catch (Exception ex)



                throw ex;




..and it always fails. The outParams["ReturnValue "] is 2 and is null outParams.Properties["JobId"].Value…like fails. Any suggestions on this please.



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