Peter Dzuya

Peter Dzuya

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Running C# winform Program from azure portal

May 11 2016 7:30 AM
Hi everyone,
I have a c# entity framework code first Project whose database I wanted to be Azure hosted. I created my connection string as follows:-
<add name="MakGarmContext" connectionString="Server=,1433;Database=Garment;User Id = Chiri@ubahpn7emt; Password = Seagate1320; Encrypt=True; TrustServerCertificate=False; Connection Timeout=30;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
I also enabled the azure firewall to accept the IP address of my computer from the portal.
On running the program, I get this message :-
"Additional information: Login failed for user 'Chiri'."
Please advice. 

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