A column in one of the databases I am using contains the data for an rtf file. This rtf file will always have one jpg file embedded in it and nothing else, however it is embedded as an object, not a picture.
How would I extract the image data from the rtf, and render it as an image on the report?
Here is an example of the format the column is in (I had to shorten it because SO wouldn't let me post the whole thing)
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs18{\object\objemb{\*\objclass Package}\objw1365\objh765{\*\objdata 0105000002000000080000005061636b61676500000000000000000061ef0000020074657374696d6167652e6a70656700433a5c55736572735c61646d696e6973747261746f722e4c49525c4465736b746f705c74657374696d6167652e6a70656700000003003a000000433a5c55736572735c41444d494e497e312e4c49525c417070446174615c4c6f63616c5c54656d705c31... 00}}}\par}