rss feed

Dec 18 2014 4:21 AM


I am trying to page an RSS page from asp maker. I keep getting the following error:

This page contains the following errors:

error on line 18 at column 102: Opening and ending tag mismatch: font line 0 and description

Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

test1 test2 Vacaturenummer: Vacaturenummer Functie: Vacature Omschrijving

Here are my codes:

The RSS.aspx.cs file:

protected void GetChatmsg(int SVID, int RVID) {     try     {         using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())         {             cmd.CommandText = "spr_Visitor_View_UserChatMsgs";             cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SVID", SVID.ToString());             cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RVID", RVID.ToString());             //System.Data.DataTable dt = DBHelper.SqlExecuteReader(cmd);              RSS.DataSource = DBHelper.SqlExecuteReader(cmd);             RSS.DataBind();         }     }     catch (Exception ex)     {         throw ex;     } }  private void Page_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { _vacatureID = Request.QueryString("id"); Connection(); //Selectcommand Vacature Samenstellen _selectCommandVacature.CommandText = "SELECT Vacature_id,Vacature_functie,Vacature_datum,Vacature_tekst FROM Vacature WHERE Vacature_laatste_vacaturestatus=1 OR Vacature_laatste_vacaturestatus=4 ORDER BY Vacature_datum DESC"; _selectCommandVacature.Connection = _con; try { _con.Open(); _dataReader = _selectCommandVacature.ExecuteReader(); while (_dataReader.Read) { LbLVacatureOmschrijving.Text = welkom1; LblVacaturenr.Text = welkom 2; //LblVacaturenr2.Text = _dataReader("vacature_id").ToString() } } finally { _con.Close(); }

The rss.aspx file:

<%@ Page Language="C#" ContentType="text/xml" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="RSS.aspx.cs"  %>                    <rss version="2.0">                  <channel>                      <title>test1</title>                      <link></link>                      <description>                      test2                     </description>                                <item>                   <title><font class="tableclass">Vacaturenummer:</font> <asp:label id="LblVacaturenr" runat="server">Vacaturenummer</asp:label></title>                 <description><font class="tableclass">Functie: <asp:label id="LbLVacatureOmschrijving" runat="server">Vacature Omschrijving</asp:label></description>             </item>                           </channel>             </rss>

The rss.aspx seems to be right, since I almost copied it from another file.

But I have no idea what to do with the RSS.aspx.cs file, if anyone could help me I would really appreciate it.

Kind regards,
