Re:WebControl Treeview

Oct 29 2008 3:37 PM

HI All,

Please any one could help me out in this


I have one webcontrol tree view and list box in my web form

Treeview is getting data dynamically and populating.

The problem is i want to move the selected item from tree view to list box when ever i click on add button. In Treeview i have 2 parent nodes and under each node there are multiple child nodes under each under each child node there is one more(upto 7) node. when ever i click on child node it should move to listbox with its child.




when ever i click on child1 with its content of child1(i.e, child2) shold move to list box.Tree View is a web control.

Is it possible to do?

Please help me out.

i really Appriciate your help




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