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Returning to a Gridview from a detail page

Jan 15 2010 4:56 PM

I have been Googleing for an answer and have not yet found one so I thought I would ask this forum.
I have an application with a Gridview displaying pages of data with about 20 records on a page.   For paging, I use First, Next, Previous, Last buttons.   Each record has an Edit button.   When the Edit button is pressed, the detail for the record is displayed for update on a separate page.   The user can update data or press Cancel to return to the Gridview.
My problem is returning to the Gridview.  Returning always returns to the first page of the Gridview.  The user could be on page 50 of the Gridview, hit Edit on a record, get the detail displayed, decide to cancel or update and gets returned to page 1 of the Gridview.
Is there a way to return to the Gridview page from which the detail was generated and not page 1? 
I'll keep looking but if anyone has a solution, I would very much appreciate it.

Answers (1)