Imran Bashir

Imran Bashir

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Return value in store procedure

Jul 30 2016 6:45 PM
i have this store procedure and i want to make this that will return the value to asp .net application when it is true or false 
ALTER proc [dbo].[sp_Stock_check]
@sum int ,
@product_id int

SELECT product_id

, COUNT(stock_in) as Count_stockIn
, COUNT(stock_out) as Count_stockOut
, SUM(stock_in) as Sum_stockIn

SUM(stock_out)+ @sum AS Sum_StockOut,
CASE WHEN SUM(stock_in) >= (SUM(stock_out)+@Sum) THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END AS IsInGreater
From Stock

Group By product_id
having product_id = @product_id


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