Sai Reddy

Sai Reddy

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Retrieve only second week of the month data?

Sep 1 2018 12:25 AM
Hi, My friend asked me following requirement where i need to get only week wise data with out giving dates. Please help me to acheive this.
Date Name Units
1/8/2018 ABC 10
2/8/2018 ABC 11
3/8/2018 ABC 12
4/8/2018 ABC 13
5/8/2018 ABC 14
6/8/2018 ABC 15
7/8/2018 ABC 16
8/8/2018 ABC 17
9/8/2018 ABC 18
10/8/2018 ABC 19
11/8/2018 ABC 20
12/8/2018 ABC 21
. ABC 22
. ABC 23
. ABC 24
31/8/2018 ABC 25
Here i have august month data, i need to get second week of the data in a month. 

Answers (3)