Please how to find the index of the named column ( ColeName ) in DataGridView1 .. I have a single and unique column that I put it to generate the days in months
I tried like this but in have bad result because in want to have index of column not rows
If Conne.State = 1 Then Conne.Close() Conne.Open() Dim Cmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT Factory1 , Factory2 , Factory3 , Factory4 , Factory5 From Table_Factory", Conne) Dim rdr As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = Cmd.ExecuteReader() rdr.Read() If rdr.HasRows Then DT.Rows(1)(ColeName) = rdr.Item(3).ToString DT.Rows(2)(ColeName) = rdr.Item(4).ToString DT.Rows(3)(ColeName) = rdr.Item(5).ToString DT.Rows(4)(ColeName) = rdr.Item(6).ToString DT.Rows(5)(ColeName) = rdr.Item(7).ToString End If Cmd = Nothing rdr.Close() Conne.Close()