leathu raj

leathu raj

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Restore database through c# codings

Oct 6 2014 8:16 AM
   I want to restore database backup file(.bak) to sql server 2012 from my c# program. Restored database name is  from textbox text.
I used the following coding. It works on local connection only. when i used the same coding on my sql server connected with name like XXXX\SQL EXPRESS i got error restored failed for server 'XXXX\SQL EXPRESS'.
Please help me.... Thanks in advance....
ServerConnection srvConn = new ServerConnection(@"XXXXX\\SQLEXPRESS");
 instead of this line i use
ServerConnection srvConn = new ServerConnection("localhost"); 
this line work on loacl connection. 
private static Server srvr;
ServerConnection srvConn = new ServerConnection(@"WIN-6A67QTTNU6J\\SQLEXPRESS");
srvConn.LoginSecure = true;
srvr = new Server(srvConn);
Restore rstDatabase = new Restore();
rstDatabase.Action = RestoreActionType.Database;
string name = txt_cmpnyname.Text;
rstDatabase.Database = name;
BackupDeviceItem bkpDevice = new BackupDeviceItem("E:\\shop", DeviceType.File);
rstDatabase.ReplaceDatabase = true;
MessageBox.Show("Restored Successfully");
catch (Exception ex)

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