Repeater Control (Text Formating)

Dec 1 2004 3:38 PM
Hi, I have been strugling to get a repeater control to display a large amount of text with with paragraph/line breaks. All I get when I run the control is a huge blook of text with no line breaks/ spaces etc. Is there anything I can do to keep the original formating. I tried using the
 tags but this just gives me 3 very long lines of text (one for each paragraph) - the horizontal scroll bar appears on the browser even though I inserted the text in a table and set the width.

i am currently running:

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container,"DataItem.[review]")%>

where review is a formated article stored in an sql server database. when I view the article in a text box I get paragraph breaks but these are lost when I present the data in a table.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

