Pratham Dave

Pratham Dave

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remove duplicate records by specific id in sql server 2008

Nov 26 2013 11:44 PM
SELECT distinct,
             (SELECT TOP(1) [time]
              FROM   tblcheckin
              WHERE  userid = tf.followerid  and flag ='C'
              ORDER  BY [time] DESC) AS [time]
           ,  CONVERT(DECIMAL(16, 2), (dbo.DistanceBetween(  loc.latitude,loc.longitude,22.302647,73.190144))) as Distance
              FROM   tbl_follower tf
             INNER JOIN tbluser tu
                     ON tf.followerid = tu.userid
             LEFT OUTER JOIN tblgetlocation loc
                          ON loc.venueid = (SELECT TOP(1) locationid
                                            FROM   tblcheckin
                                            WHERE  userid = tf.followerid and flag ='C'
                                            ORDER  BY [time] DESC)
      where   tf.userid = 57 and tf.flag='YES'
Here is the output of my above query i have applied distinct but till the data are duplicated because of imageurl column.. so how can i remove duplicated record from result using userid. if userid repeated then delete record.
In my out put you can see,that the record with all data depends on userid, but i want to delete the record repeated with same userid if they are more then 1 then delete record of same userid having imageurl with ''