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remove Duplicate Item From Drag and drop jquery

Nov 17 2014 3:31 AM
in my html page i apply drag and drop feature and jpages also,
when i drag item from 1 list and add it to another list on which jpages apply,  It shows that item on every jpages 
means if my list contain <-previous 1 2 3->  so that item dissplay on every page ,but that item added only onces in li,but it display on every page
my script

$(function () {
$('.sortable2').draggable({ revert: true});

hoverClass: 'active',
accept:'#sortable1 #aside1',
drop: function (event, ui) {

accept: ":not(.ui-sortable-helper)",
}) ;

connectWith: ".connectedSortable" ,
receive: function () {},
update: function (event, ui) {}
drop: function (ev, ui) {
var draggableId = ui.draggable.attr('id');
var draggedIdConcat = '#' + draggableId;
$(draggedIdConcat).effect("highlight", { color: "#F2FF00" });

containerID: "sortable2",
startPage: 1,
startRange: 1,
endRange: 1,


containerID: "sortable1",
perPage: 6,
startPage: 1,
startRange: 1,
midRange: 2,
endRange: 1



function addNewElement() {

function destroyAndCreate(){
var pages=$("#pager").jPages("destroy");
containerID : "sortable1",
perPage : 6,
startPage: 1,
startRange: 1,
midRange: 2,
endRange: 1
