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Remoting and OpenFileDialog

Jul 13 2004 8:12 PM
Hi all, i've a big problem ^^.. the class OpenFileDialog is a MarshalByRefObject, so i've registered it in .net remoting: TcpServerChannel _channel = new TcpServerChannel(9932); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(_channel); RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(OpenFileDialog), "OpenFileDialog", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall); but when i try tu use it client side object o = Activator.GetObject( t , "tcp://"+_hostName+":9932/OpenFileDialog"); ((OpenFileDialog)o).ShowDialog(); i got a strange error: it tels me that the server cannot load or find file or assembly System.Windows.Forms ! at the beginning of stacktrace there is an Assembly.nLoad(..); i can't understand why... Thanks all !