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Nov 22 2007 4:07 PM
I hope to be at the right forum.
I use rem objects for a client/server application with c#
I have a new PC, I took a gost with the setup of another PC just for not running all set-up of visual studio etc.
So I use Rem Objects for a client-server app.
I have some .rodl files at my old PC I opened those via Rem objects Service Builder and closing that, some files where edited or created by  service builder: * _Events.cs, *_Invk.cs and  *_inf.cs.
An new PC I open the rodl file with the open with command  of visual studio, I set the Rem objects Service Builder as default and open the rodl files.
But now the * _Events.cs, *_Invk.cs and *_inf.cs are not created or edited!
I am sure for the * _inf.cs because I changed the location for this.
When I have  Rem objects Service Builder open now I can edit visual studio but at my old PC I could not as I remember.
I do not know what changes may exist at solution setup or at configuration of my pc.
At other PC that I took the gost for , all are ok as I know.
 The .rodl files as it is obvious,are remobjects related.
The steps with rodl files are here