Skvamsi Akella

Skvamsi Akella

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regardingjava and sap

Oct 7 2018 10:49 AM
Respected sir,
DefaultRulesEditAPIFactory apiInstance =DefaultRulesEditAPIFactory.getInstance();
RulesEditAPI api=apiInstance.getAPI();
1.Find out which java package that the RulesEdit API classes and methods belong to. After that, try to add it in the ‘Import’ tab of the message mapping to see if the java package is available.
including i need jar file for that.
2.The SAP person that I spoke to briefly mentioned that the RulesEdit API classes and methods might be only available in the ‘Application Servlet Java’. I don’t have experience in this space. Can you find out how we can confirm this (e.g. try to create a simple ‘Application Servlet Java’)?
i need solution including jar file asap